
Stonewall Alliance

Stonewall Alliance's Notes

Robert MacRae


I have a few new items from my loot boxes today. I plan to get them in the fleet bank soon, but I think I would like to see what you all think. Sadly the mmo-fashion database is down, so I cant link them, but later tonight, I'll get some screenshots or some of the outfits/weapons/other stuff you could win. This is more if anyone is interested in seeing any of them. Getting them unlocked. Anyways hope to see you all soon.
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


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Bernhard Schmidt


Hi everyone :)...Just started to play SWTOR and I wanted to ask if and how I could join the Knights.

How can I join? I'm on Star Forge, and have some on Satele Shan. Returning player, and not picky about which server I play on lol
Jordan Koss


Hey there, how can I join KoS? I'm on Harbinger, char name is Avonette. Thanks!


Hey there, how can I join KoS? I'm on Harbinger, char name is Jarvist. Thanks!
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Online on SWTOR now, if you need an invite. I am Eedono Nyriss on the Repub side. Make sure to join the command channel of "/cjoin los" and "/cjoin kos"
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Piotr Milewski


Well... if some1 have characters on Red Eclipse - let me know ;)
Victoria Dawson


Hello i am looking to join the guild, i am fine with either Rep or Imp, which server is the guild on?


New to SWTOR, would love to have an invite to this guild, if possible! Characters are 'Rourke Deckard', 'Shalimarri', and "Juniperi'.
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Brooke Wynn


Looking for an invite to the Empire guild please
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Scott Dallman (married Name)


Do you guys/gals have regular missions together on SWTOR?
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Mind taking a few minutes and taking our survey for #SWTOR players?