
Stonewall Alliance

Stonewall Alliance's Notes

Bernhard Schmidt


January 16 2020
Hi everyone :)...Just started to play SWTOR and I wanted to ask if and how I could join the Knights.
  • Last Comment by Knuffelbaer
Hi! You've found an old group -- our current SWTOR guilds are Stonewall Alliance for Republic and Stonewall Coalition for the Imperial side. Our guild reside on the Satele Shan server.

SWTOR only allows invites to be sent while a character is online. The easiest way to get an invite is to ask in Discord (with the character name you'd like an invite for) in our Discord SWTOR channel while you're logged into SWTOR. Alternatively, you can find a member in-game using "/who Stonewall Alliance" and request an invite from them.

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Bernhard Schmidt
ooh thx a lot... I will do that ^w^