Stonewall Gaming Network

A home for Genderless Cis Gender-fluid Trans Pansexual Ally Gay Bisexual Lesbian Asexual Gaymers Trekkers Star Wars fans Nerds Geeks

Stonwall Gaming Network is a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and ally gaming community. In 2008, Stonewall Fleet was founded as a glbta+ fleet for Star Trek Online. As the community grew, more guilds were created and games supported. Our purpose is to create a safe and welcoming space for members to enjoy their favorite games.

No matter if I'm gaming or not, I know I have my Stonewall family around. I came along for the sake of Star Trek Online, we've gone through several games together since, and I've made friends I wouldn't give up for the world. When my RL world came crashing down, Stonewall kept me standing.

Ashe Odinson

SGN is the first group I've ever gamed with. Everyone is so kind, helpful, and fun to play games with. I've loved being part of this group and getting to know so many great people.


SGN has been my online home for more than 11 years, where I've been able to enjoy my gaming hobby in the company of terrific friends. Many of my virtual SGN connections have developed into lasting, real-world friendships that span the globe and I'm grateful for having found this space in which to explore new, virtual worlds.
