
Stonewall's Tarsus IV Hunger Games

Stonewall's Tarsus IV Hunger Games's Topics

Dave (Voleron)


3 weeks ago

Tarsus IV Hunger Games 2024


It is 2246 and you are one of 8,000 colonists of Tarsus IV. This year, a fungus destroyed much of the colony's crops, leading to a meager harvest that cannot sustain the entire population, and it is unlikely that the next supply ship will arrive in time. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Governor Kodos has selected the best and most affluent of those from colony's capitol to be spared, however, you and all others have been sentenced to death, so that the rest of the colony might survive. But there is one chance: the Tarsus IV Hunger Games.

Yet let it not be said that Governor Kodos knows no mercy. Of the colony's 12 districts, the population of only one more will be spared. Two volunteers from each remaining district may offer themselves as Tribute, competing in a televised broadcast to the death for the chance of survival of their home community. Only the triumphant winner will spare their district from execution. Will you volunteer as Tribute and control your own fate, or will you sit back and watch others determine yours? Do you have the strength and cunning to emerge victorious? If so, then sign-up under your chosen district, below. Good luck, Tribute!

How to Play

Simply sign-up to participate (instructions below). You don't have to do anything more than that! The story, which is automatically generated, will unfold each day until the last surviving Tribute is crowned! Check back each day to see the story progression and to see who's alive and who is not! The last standing champion will win SIX Stonewall Credits for use in our merchandise store at


Stonewall wants YOU to sign-up to represent one of our 12 districts (games) that we play! Sign-ups will commence Sunday, September 29th to end of day on Sunday, October 6th, or until all of the spots are filled. To sign-up, login to this site with your SGN account, return to this page and reply in the comments of this post. In your reply, choose the district you want to represent (each district can have a maximum of two champions), and also provide a link to a profile picture we can use for the game. The games will commence on Monday, October 7th and we'll post daily updates here and on Discord.

District #1: Representing Stonewall Fleet

Tribute #1: Michlo

Tribute #2: Gladiatorpope

District #2: Representing Deep Space Stonewall

Tribute #1: ThoronDarekMoogie

Tribute #2: Wolfenfyre

District #3: Representing the Stonewall Legion

Tribute #1: sqweloookle

Tribute #2: neoglyph

District #4: Representing the House of Nagh reD

Tribute #1: aetios

Tribute #2:

District #5: Representing the Legion of Nagh reD

Tribute #1: Saintplazma

Tribute #2: robertjaneway

District #6: Representing the Stonewall Wolves (Destiny 2)

Tribute #1: GXV3

Tribute #2: wsstks

District #7: Representing the Stonewall Teen Wolves (Destiny 2)

Tribute #1: Aufish

Tribute #2:

District #8: Representing the Cocky Pallet Jockey Survivors (Dead by Daylight)

Tribute #1: Gravity

Tribute #2:

District #9: Representing the Cocky Pallet Jockey Killers (Dead by Daylight)

Tribute #1:

Tribute #2:

District #10: Representing the Stonewall Fortniters (Fortnite)

Tribute #1: nicholasjohn16

Tribute #2: Jspectre

District #11: Representing the StonewallWatch (Overwatch)

Tribute #1: calx

Tribute #2:

District #12: Representing Stonewall Vanguard (GW2)

Tribute #1:

Tribute #2:

District #1: Representing Stonewall Fleet

Unknown Person liked this
Pitty the SWTOR branch is not represented.
I will represent Stonewall Legion.
Please do use my avatar here:

Unknown Person liked this
I volunteer for District #5: Representing the Legion of Nagh reD.

Unknown Person liked this
I volunteer as tribute,
for District 6 (six) - Stonewall Wolves

Unknown Person liked this
I volunteer as tribute,
for District 6 (six) - Stonewall Wolves

Unknown Person liked this
Edward Lloris
District 5

Unknown Person liked this
Wolfe Junge

Unknown Person liked this
Kevin Gillespie
District 5

Unknown Person liked this
Throw me in distrist 8 i will stealth my way to victory.

Unknown Person liked this
Austin  Rockford

Unknown Person liked this
yay it's filling up! Only couple of days left.

Unknown Person liked this
Lol, looks like I'm gonna be standing alone for my district.

Someone please join Aetios!!!

Unknown Person liked this
District #7: Representing the Stonewall Teen Wolves (Destiny 2)

2 people liked this
Citizens of Tarsus,

As not all districts have yet offered Tributes for the Hunger Games, I have ordered the distribution of our colony's food reserves in order to sustain the populous until sign-ups are complete. The commencement of the Games is therefore placed in abeyance. Those Tributes have already signed-up need not do anything but wait for the games to commence.

A full roster is required to run our Hunger Games event and to this point, not all districts have been filled. We're going to leave sign-ups open until all spots are taken. Because of my planned vacation for the next few weeks, this means that the start of the Hunger Games will unfortunately be delayed until November. Subscribe to this topic so you receive notifications when we go live!

Governor of Tarsus IV

Unknown Person liked this
I'm sorry.. But can I speak to your manager... I payed good money for this.

3 people liked this