Angelsilhouette wrote: NicholasJohn16 wrote: He wants to end it through Congress, not threw the courts. This is the, egh, third time its been struck down by the courts since Obama's been in the office and every time he's appealed. He says its his duty to uphold the law, which it is, until Congress decides it shouldn't be law anymore.
He was a Constitutional Law professor, so unless he somehow decides that the don't ask don't tell rule isn't actually unconstitutional, I doubt he'll try to appeal it.
It should also be noted that under Obama, the DOJ has not only appealed repeals of DADT, but I believe it is also appealing the recent repeal of sections of DOMA. The appeals have absolutely nothing to do with the constitutionality and everything to do with politics. By taking the "sorry, the DOJ has to defend everything" approach, Obama is passing the buck for the blame. This also falls in line with his continued failure to take a leadership role with regard to LGBT rights. Even on those acts currently in Congress, such as the repeal of DADT and passing an Employment Non-Discrimination Act, Obama has done practically nothing after requesting them in his State of the Union. It's appalling that both of those are stalled in a Congress where the Democrats control both houses.
It should also be noted that the current Republican governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the Democratic attorney general, Jerry Brown, are refusing to defend Proposition 8 in court. I find it hilarious that that a Republican governor is showing more leadership on LGBT rights than our Democratic president.
I will be voting for people like Jerry Brown (who is running for CA governor) and Barbara Boxer (who is running for CA senate) because they take are taking energetic, active leadership roles on these issues. It is looking very likely like I will be abstaining with regard to the presidential vote come 2012.