To go alongside the variety of events planned for this years Stonewall Pride, our Raffle is back and tickets are on sale from 4th July until our Stonewall Pride Weekend taking place on the 16th & 17th July
(See here for more details on our Pride Weekend Events & Activities),
You have plenty of time to buy tickets. Winners will be drawn from a random name selector. (the Hat)
The first name drawn will be for the first prize, the second name drawn will be for the 2nd prize and etc.
Once your name is drawn from a hat, you're a winner and can no longer win another prize.
Raffle Winners will be announced during the closing ceremonies on Sunday 17th July.
Last year we raised 2,550,000,000 ec (well over 2 & half billion) from sales which some lucky winners walked away with, including 60 other prizes.
This year we have some great prizes on offer that blows last years out of the water!
lets have a look at our price menu. (more prizes may be added if the Raffle grows) HUHE thank you to Cryptic studios and our very own members for the donations for this raffle.
1st prize - Anniversary Ten Ship Legendary Bundle (Donated by Ambassador Kael/Cryptic Studios)
2nd - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack (Donated by @janexjaneway)
3rd - quarter raffle EC sales (currently 1,500,000,000)
4th - quarter raffle EC sales (currently 1,500,000,000)
5th - quarter raffle EC sales (currently 1,500,000,000)
6th - quarter raffle EC sales (currently 1,500,000,000)
7th - Emerald Chain Juggernaut [T6](Donated by @janexjaneway)
8th - Kelvin Timeline Heavy Destroyer [T6] (Donated by @bruteaous & @kculbert)
9th - Section 31 Intel Science Destroyer (Donated by @jimjmcl1a)
10th - Inquiry battle cruiser [T6] (Donated by @jspectre)
11th - Legendary Jem'Hadar Captain's Bundle (Donated by Ambassador Kael/Cryptic Studios)
12th - Legendary Jem'Hadar Captain's Bundle (Donated by Ambassador Kael/Cryptic Studios)
13th - T6 zenstore voucher (Donated by @Trick)
14th - T6 zenstore voucher
15th - T6 zenstore voucher
16th - Temporal Destroyer [T6]
17th - Tzenkethi Vanity Shield
18th - 15 x lock box keys (thanks to joogoo for the x60 key donation)
19th - 10 x lock box keys
20th - 10 x lock box keys
21st - 10 x lock box keys
22nd - 10 x lock box keys
23rd- 10 x lock box keys
24th - 10 x lock box keys
25th - Experimental Ship Upgrade Token x2
26th - Experimental Ship Upgrade Token x2
27th - Beam box variety pack (28 boxes)
28th - 5 x Lockbox keys
29th - 5 x Lockbox keys
30th - 5 x lock box keys
31st - 5 x lock box keys
32nd - 5 x lock box keys
33rd- 20 SWC
34th - 20 SWC
35th - 10 SWC

on sale MON 4th July until Sat 16th July
Tickets are 250,000 EC Each
look out in game StonewallFleet chat or Discord, for a chance to buy tickets from a Fleet Captain or Admiral within the Department of Resources.
Ticket Sellers:
@ GXV3
@ yaris8
@ insanefuture79
@ Gladiatorpope
- When these sellers are online, we will announce in Stonewall fleet chat or SGN discord that we are free to sell tickets.
- We will then invite you to our bridge and do the trade!
- we will put your name on the raffle ticket list
- if you buy x2 tickets, your name will be posted twice, buy x5 your name appears 5 times etc
- you can buy as many tickets as you want
- If your name is drawn, you are a winner so your name cannot be drawn again
- The last day to buy a ticket is on Sat 16th July.
- You will need to be a member of the Stonewall fleet website.
If you cannot find a ticket seller (listed above) online, don't panic, simply send one of us an ingame mail.. PM or tag us in discord.
We are in Europe & North American time zones so we will definitely get back to you and arrange a meet up in game to exchange the EC.
If we are having trouble meeting you.. an alternative solution can be made between you and the ticket seller.
We keep NONE of the EC raised through raffle ticket sales, as you see in our prize menu all the EC becomes a prize.
Dont forget to check out our Pride 22 event games here:

BIG thank you to Janexjaneway / Insanefuture / Trick / Kobe / ley1nj / Ambassador Kael
If you cannot find a ticket seller (listed above) online, don't panic, simply send one of us an ingame mail.. PM or tag us in discord.
We are in Europe & North American time zones so we will definitely get back to you and arrange a meet up in game to exchange the EC.
If we are having trouble meeting you.. an alternative solution can be made between you and the ticket seller.
We keep NONE of the EC raised through raffle ticket sales, as you see in our prize menu all the EC becomes a prize.
Dont forget to check out our Pride 22 event games here:

BIG thank you to Janexjaneway / Insanefuture / Trick / Kobe / ley1nj / Ambassador Kael