The link for Acer #1 doesn't work for me, but the stats on the remaining three look pretty similar. Looks like the Dell only has a GTX 1050 video card instead of the GTX 1050 ti that is advertised. The TI gives a performance boost that I would probably go for. My family has had bad experiences with HP and good experiences with Acer, so I personally like the look of the Acer #2, but the small, 256 GB SSD hard drive concerns me. 256 Gigs isn't a lot of space in this day and age and there's no secondary drive for storage, unless you plug in an external one, it looks like.
PCGamer did a review of a few different gaming laptops last month, if you want to give it a once over. More expensive, mind you, but maybe worth it in the long haul.
These were literally the first four listed on Google in my price range. I hadn't even noticed the storage. I poked around a little more, and based on the advice here and on Discord, I think I'm going to go for an Asus TUF FX504. It looks like its big downside is the camera, but when I use the camera for teaching online, I put lots of light on me, which should compensate.