Storm The Beach Weekend // October 14th-15th

Storm The Beach Weekend
October 14th-15th
Starting at 10am CST and occuring through the weekend.
Attention warriors! The House of Nagh'Red has been made aware that the Tzenkethi are storming the beaches of Dranuur. Coalition forces are standing at the ready to ensure that the Tzenkethi troops do not make Dranuur a stonghold. We are the last effort to ensure that this planet stays under allied command.
For the weekend, House of Nagh'Red will be leading a multi faceted assault against on-coming Tzenkethi forces, in an effort to ensure that the Lukari and Kentari have a fighting chance of building a common ground. As a reminder, the Colony World is not only a benefit to their races but also a breeding ground for experimental technology that will help the advancement of allied worlds.
Through the weekend we will be leading STFs focused on Dranuur Gaunlet, beach assault, and invasion queues. Credits will be given out to top honors in warrior spirit and mettle. For those with guile, we will be hosting on and off PVPs in a no holds bard rumble that will go down in infamy to celebrate our victories on the beaches for Dranuur.
These events are hosted by House of Nagh'Red, but all warriors; Starfleet and Romulan alike will be welcome to push back the enemy. Victory not only for the Empire, but for the alliance! We have already exported the finest barrels of blood wine to share with the victors over Discord. See you on the battle field!
Respond with #stormthebeach if you are interested in joining the alliance to push back the Tzenkethi! Anyone who uses the hashtag in reply to this post will be eligible for a SWC giveaway. Stay tuned to social media for winners!