
Writers Of The Stonewall Times

Writers of The Stonewall Times's Topics

Erik Kershner


March 30 2010

What do you think?

Try it out and let me know what you think. -e

  • Last Comment by yezar
Erik Kershner
Hmmm... maybe I should add more words... its kind of... easy and lacking. Let me know if you all finish it and wether or not you enjoy it. -e

I like it, and this may be a naive question, but is there a way to make one that can be done online? Like I can fill out the boxes online and get a happy sound when I solve it? I only ask this because everything else in the Times would be electronic except this one feature. Its not a bad thing, but I bet more people would do it if it was a web application or whatever. But there were some really tough questions. I LOVED 17 Down lolol. :)

Erik Kershner
UNfortunately I cant find an online app for it. =(

That's a shame, but it is still pretty neat. :)

Brandon Felczer
oooo! great job and funny questions hehe

i will try and get this electronic =)

Yey a new British group =) Hey guys. God save the Queen![{"creator":"234","text":"She lives in a big house with lots of armed guards, I don't think she needs any more saving! lol.","date":1289160553},{"creator":"231","text":"I wasn't talking about that Queen lol.","date":1289352775}]

Just added our group anthem hehe.

And here is another :)

Even tho its English that is still British, right ?

Oh my god, I am getting paranoid now, hope I haven't offended our Irish, Scottish or Welsh members.[{"creator":"283","text":"Puff *snorts* Shunned :P","date":1289674412}]

Unknown Person
Calm, you can post things about England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

For or Scottish members we have Flower Of Scotland.[{"creator":"648","text":"A'thank ya!","date":1289605934},{"creator":"283","text":"*likes*","date":1289674405}]

For our Welsh members we have Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau.

Since England and Northern Ireland don't have there own national anthems here's Land of Hope and Glory for England and Danny Boy for Northern Ireland.

Long live the United Kingdom of Great Briton and Northern Ireland! Let's make sure that history never forgets the name Great Briton!

Well it had to go on :)

*dies* of Laughter.... Ingenious Hal/Yez... I must say.... the Chivalry of the BawJaws fully backs u in ur efforts :P ;)[{"creator":"231","text":"LMAO","date":1289687165}]

Wahey! Nice to see the Brits getting some love. I'm trying to get more into the game after a... break, shall we say... so I hereby doff my bowler hat to everyone. Hope to see you around :) [{"creator":"259","text":"Welcome back! :)","date":1289938832}]

*reads Classified reports and files*

*Fleet Admiral Nick to Admiral Brandon*

Our suspicions have been verified.
Begin Operation America is Awesome.
Take out Halish.

Oh my god R.I.P. Halish, long live Yezar.

I think we need to infiltrate Nicks HQ and saboutage "Operation America is awesome", cos it definately aint., they have no Britishness.

We need someone to go under cover and impersonate an American, Mmmm , who could we send ?

Suggestion anyone.

But wait a minute how can a totally awesome Brit impersonate an American, we would have to remove all of their taste, style and utter Britishness.

I think this may not be such a good idea after all.
