
Writers Of The Stonewall Times

Writers of The Stonewall Times's Topics

Brandon Felczer


September 13 2011

Volume 2 Issue 8 Layout now Available - Need Authors for major articles (PLEASE READ!)

Hello writers! :D

Please visit this link to see Vol 2 Issue 8's layout. We will be pushing this issue during the first week of October, so we have quite a bit of work between now and then -- We need to turn in the completed layout to Mike T at least a week before (so that gives us about 10 days) Looks like it is going to be another great issue :) As of right now, I have a few assignments up based on your suggestions/ past articles but there are a couple articles that still need authors for a few articles AND we need a few ideas for some articles.

Please respond in this thread with any other ideas for articles, or problems with the layout =)

I would really like everyone to respond to this thread in the Stonewall Writers group to find out what everyone thinks.



Here are the articles that still need writers:

>>>>GLBT Article -- something about being a gay gamer (gaymer)? (???)

>> >>Another non-game specific article (???)

>>Article about STO going F2P (???)

>>Another STO Article (???)

>>Holocron Access: Empire - Sith Inquisitor (???)

  • Last Comment by CapnBranFlakes
i would love to a article on warehouse 13 im hearing a lot of buzz from the current season. But then again im not really sure if that is something that you guys are interested in an article about. Let me know if this is something you would like me to persue.

Is it time for another Stonewall Fleet member Foundry mission spotlight? I'd be happy to write a piece on "Wonded Wolf" by @Akrilon. This could be the "Another STO article"?

Brandon Felczer
@kicktrick we try and keep on the topics of Stonewall/ STO/ SWTOR -- I guess when I wrote "another non-game specific article", what I meant was an article that relates to Stonewall, rather than STO or SWTOR.

@alimac30 That would be GREAT! I will put that down to cover the "another STO article"

We still need an author for the Sith Inquisitor. I don't know if my forum posts appear to have chicken pox or something, but I'm not having any luck tracking down writers for SW:TOR articles.

Sadly, I think Akrilon has withdrawn "Wounded Wolf" from the game, so I won't be able to replay it to write a review. Also I've messaged him (in game and here on the Stonewall Fleet website) but had no response - I don't think he's logged in for quite some time.

So we'll have to drop the "Wonded Wolf" review idea, I'm afraid. Sorry guys!


Brandon Felczer
No worries Ali, would you, or anyone else reading this [if you signed up for this group, we would really like your help:) ] be able to do these articles we still need help with?

GLBT Article -- something about being a gay gamer (gaymer)? (???)

Article about STO going F2P

Article about the Empire - Sith Inquisitor role in SWTOR

Unfortunately I'd struggle to do any article now, as my writing window was this weekend. Sorry about that :o( I promise I'll do something next month!


Brandon Felczer
No worries, Ali.

For everyone else, we still have those 3 articles outstanding. Any takers? :)

A HUGE Thank You to Aldente for surprising me this afternoon with a beautifully written article on the Inquisitor! I will be copyediting/proofing it today and posting it so it's available for Brandon's layout document.

Brandon Felczer
Thanks for everyone's help this month :) Issue 8's layout is complete and we will be sending out the final issue in the coming week.