
Writers Of The Stonewall Times

Writers of The Stonewall Times's Topics

Brandon Felczer


February 28 2010

Issue 3 Content/ Ideas

Please post your ideas in here for the third issue.

  • Last Comment by DaneS
Brandon Felczer
I know we just out March's but ideas are already going through my head, including some ideas give to me by other members:

Events/ Featured Members:

Celebrity Look-a-Like Contest
Breaking the Planet Ground Fleet Action


Meet Your Officers- Mandy

what else do you all think? :)

Brandon Felczer

Raidiosde write ups
Caption Contest

You've got some good ideas. :)

My only thoughts thus far are something to get people to fan Stonewall Fleet on facebook - maybe a contest or something that you need to be a fan of for. I dunno. :P

Maybe a just for fun article?

Hmmmmm... I will keep thinking. :)

And as soon as I posted, I had a new idea lol.

Maybe an in character RP article? There's a lot of cool stuff in the holodeck. But I dunno if that's the way you want to go.

Erik Kershner
Instead of meet an officer, how about this months issue is just a Meet a Player. Randomly select a player through the roll of 3 dice, or somethiing, that would select a number and the player who coincides with that number on the User Spreadsheet would then be the selected player?

I think if we rotate issue to issue, we wont be focusing on officers, but on random players and officers alike, keeping the sense of elitism out of the foreground of peoples mind. =)


Brandon Felczer
Erik: I think that Nick being the first one was okay, though. It might be fun to do both, what do you think?

great ideas perkys =) I think we should get an RPer to write an article that could be recurring (people can follow the adventure by reading the Times)

Some others:

article about where members are from and then they can enter their location on the map in the Localization thread.

first Machinima Comic

Info about our facebook/ new twitter info

Brandon Felczer
link to the user map

link to the member poll

Erik Kershner
Stonewall Comic strip? I know we have got to have some artists out there?

Combat Log... Write up of a fleet action or a raidisode? (god this means I may have to write something.... dammit Jim, Im a homo, not a journalist!

Word Jumble? (ya, ya, I said it!)

Best Brandon jokes out there.... my personal favorite.... Hey Brandon, grats on hitting RA5.... and it only took you 3 years!

Fleetie profile and fun article on someone who lives in a town where a favorite Star Trek Character was 'born'... anyone in montana where Kirk was born? Paris where Picard was from? Oh this could be fun!!!!!

Just a couple more ideas.


Erik Kershner
Oh... and yes, I totally agree with Nick being the first! Just thought it would be more fun to get to know random fleeties. =)

It always irks me when high profile journals highlight a famous person! For crying out loud, we already know Britney Spears is a horrible lip syncer, kinda white trashy, but she can dance. I would rather get to know about her eyebrow waxer, or her life coach or her drug dealer? *snap* hehe

My point is, not making fun of lil Miss Spears, but to get to know others who arent in the forefront of the fleet.

I would love a write-up of infected to be included.

I think in addition to meet the officers, it would be fun to have a meet the fleet section as well.

Perhaps a column on how to choose what kind of ship to pilot, or what class of character to make, based on what skills are available?

Or a column on what skills are useful for different characters perhaps. I'm all about gameplay tonight :).

Brandon Felczer
I agree 100% with the meet the fleet. Isnt this covered by talking to the winners of the different contests?

Erik Kershner

Have fun with this... =) Just testing an idea. Its the StarTrek based Stonewall word jumble. =)

Let me know if its any fun.

Erik Kershner
I dunno Brandon... the winners of the contests didnt get a nice big write up all about who they are, what they do for a living, what makes them special and so forth. =) Just throwing out ideas.

The write up of infected is a great idea. The Cure should be out by the end of March, maybe have one big write up?

I think in the last issue we talked to the first two people to get to admiral. I think that could count as interviewing random people. Do we have a limit on how much content we can have? Cause if not and someone wants to interview someone random, I say go for it.

Sounds like we are going to have a great issue. I am happy to do whatever you need of me, as always. (Man, that makes me sound like I'm realy easy... lol)

Brandon Felczer
I will take all of the ideas below and come up with an official "Issue 3" layout this weekend and we can decide who wants to take what section :) the ides of March are coming, meaning we will only have two weeks to get everything in.

'Beware the ides of March!' :P

Hi Guys, the Fan Fiction competition I started in the Holodeck forum has still not had any replies. I'm not sure if the rules are too restrictive or people are just not aware of it, the closing date is the 20th so I may have to contact the normal fiction writers directly and ask them if they want to write a story we can feature this issue. In future a competition may not be the best idea, how about instead picking a good story from the Holodeck and feature it? This will still give us some good content and encourge more people to post in the Holodeck forum. I was also wondering maybe we could have that included in this months issue, not as an event but just to let people know what we are going to feature next month.

Very attractive buddy :-)