Dating question

Re: Dating question

May 17 2013
I always defined a date as an outing that you take with a romantic interest, but that can rather nebulous. There are a lot of gays that won't use the word "date" even though by any standard, it very well qualifies as one. I think it has either to do with a lot of guys not wanting to commit or not wanting the obligation to turn a guy down after.

Instead of taking a camera with on your date, have you ever asking if there was something you did wrong that bothered them? If they're completely ignoring you, that's probably not possible. If they are still talking to them, open up, tell them you've been on a few dates that haven't gone well, you're looking for some earnest feedback and you won't blame them. Hopefully, they'll bite. I've done it a few times and it's helped.

I don't think the obligation for the ask-er to pay is outdated or about assimilation. I think its a vast improvement over "the guy always pays" in straight culture. Not everyone now a days has the funds to spring for whatever the other person picks to do. Just cause I want to go to the my favorite restaurant doesn't mean my date should be required to pay $35 for a small serving of sushi.

Online dating isn't always the greatest. A lot of guys on the net aren't really looking for any kind of commitment, but rather just a online chat partner and will bail at the first sign of it going anywhere farther. If this is a problem you're having continually, try changing the dating sites you're using. Compatible Partners is pretty good, I think.

Don't let the single life get to you! I know it can suck, but keep looking! Or, give up, they always say you meet the one when you give up.
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Kris Clark


Re: Dating question

May 17 2013
I don't use the word "date" very often. If it's an instance that I am taking someone out and going to pay for their evening then it's a "date" I am treating them to the entertainment and food or whatever. If this results in intimacy so be it but not required for a "date" to happen it can just be me treating them to a day/evening out.

I use the phrase "get together" more often and have and will correct someone if they ask if I am asking them out on a date. I feel that with a "get together" it's more of a joint friendly outing. We're getting together for a day/evening of mutual enjoyment but self pay. The term also makes it easier to keep away from the romantic feeling involved in a "date"
Shawn Birch


Re: Dating question

May 17 2013
Quote by NicholasJohn16

Don't let the single life get to you! I know it can suck, but keep looking! Or, give up, they always say you meet the one when you give up.

I have to say this is 100% true. I met my hubby of 8 years online. Both of us had signed in to the site to close our accounts and I said F-It one last try and I pinged him with my number. 5 minutes later he called me. 1 day later I invited him to come over and we could go to dinner nearby. He came over only he brought with him Chinese food. We stayed in, watched a movie and that was the beginning of our 6 month dating process that ended with me moving in with him. That was July of 2005.
Jay Eudy


Re: Dating question

May 17 2013
I gave up on dating for what seemed like the millionth time, and I met my partner as an online casual hookup lol. Now we live together and are engaged.


Re: Dating question

May 18 2013
Ok, let's see here. I've been with my BF for 14+ years. In that time we've had about 5 dates (not counting our anniversary vacation in NY). What made them dates? They were an enjoyable and at times intimate series of events in a day that we normally don't get to do.

For example:
One date consisted of going to a nice lunch where we took our time eating and talking and joking around and just being silly. After that we went to the movies and after that we had a lovely dinner in a fun restaurant.

Another date was far less elaborate. We went out for sandwiches one afternoon, took a ride to the historical part of center city Philadelphia, sat at a bench in a park and talked for over 6 hours, eventually coming home around 2 AM.

Now, the reason I don't count the NY trip is because that was a 2 day dateathon, but that's kind of the point of a romantic vacation. On day one we went and saw a Broadway show, walked all over times square, had a nice dinner and went to the Empire State Building. On day two we walked all over central park, went to museums and the zoo and had a romantic dinner at a french restaurant.
Edited May 18 2013 by WilV