Sent an invite! If anyone else is interested just drop your email... I will warn you the game is massive!! and it is probably the most open ended MMO content I have ever seen! There is no XP or grinding, instead you set skills to learn (you can queue up 24 hours worht of skills to start).
So there is a bit of time invested to make progress, but you can become anything you wnat, there is no limitation on what skills you can learn other than having the ISK (in game currency) to buy them.
I am of in Asrios, which may or may not be a distance from your starting area. When I first made my way there it took my 20+ jumps to get there and I was floored by how little space I had even explored...
And it's all in on single universe (server)!
EDIT: Jer, they just released Dominion, a new expansion (which for an non-EVErs, they're expansions/content updates are free).