Stonewall Summer Screenshot Contest!

Summer is smiling down upon Stonewallers once again! Captains in Stonewall Fleet have been rushing to Risa to reserve the best beach side recliners and cabanas that the luxury resort planet has to offer, while our Knights and Lords of Stonewall prepare to spend their upcoming summer evenings enjoying the cool, air conditioned comfort of the luxury casinos on Nar Shaddaa. Meanwhile, Stonewall Vanguardians are trying to find a quiet corner of Lion's Arch beach to soak up some warming rays of sun.
Whatever celebrations your character is taking part in, we want you to share the best of your summer fun with us by participating in our #StonewallSummer screenshot contest! We're giving away prizes to our winners, so let's see the best you have to offer! Our screenshot contest runs from June 11th to 18th, 2017!

- Screenshots must be submitted before June 19th, 2017, to be eligible
- Screenshots must be your own (can't be a Google image search, for example)
- Entries must be submitted as a reply to this forum thread, a reply to our Facebook post, or in reply to our Twitter post
- Entries must be of a summer themed activity in either one of or a combination of: Star Trek Online, SWTOR or Guild Wars 2
- A maximum of three screenshot submissions per person
- You may use filters or colour enhancements to make your screenshot colours pop if you like, but no photo editing is permitted

Not only will the top two screenshot contest entries be featured on Stonewall's social media streams, but we'll be awarding the following prizes for the contest winner and the runner up:
First Place
- 4 Stonewall Credits (can be redeemed for in-game merchandise in STO)
- Winner's choice of: 1,000 Zen (STO specific), OR
- A STEAM card of similar value
Second Place
- 3 Stonewall Credits (can be redeemed for in-game merchandise in STO)