Simply put, SGN needs your help!
As some of you may know we have our own community store called the Stonewall credits store. Sadly this past year has nearly depleted our exciting big items… with our bigger donations halting to a very slow stop.

we haven’t had a donation drive in 6 years… but this February, We are asking for help.
Are you in the position to help with any of the below-listed items to help replenish the SWC store (
- T6 ships
- T6 Zen store vouchers
- Lockbox keys (10+)
- Ship upgrade modules
- Lockbox Vanity Shields
- AAA Steam/Epic/console game codes
- A Donation to help maintain the site
- Becoming a Nitro Booster for our Discord server (PM me if you do)
- STO Energy credits to cover the cost of a T6 ship on the exchange (200 mil ec+)If you do donate any of the above.. Or help by donating a little something via paypal toward the upkeep of the SGN site with its hosting & expansion costs, we would be ever so grateful. And in return would show our gratitude by giving back to you:-
- Receive a new Discord server title and highlight your name in gold as an SGN donator for 6 months
- Receive your own downloadable Ship name plaque
- Gain some Thank you SWCs in your wallet
- Have your kindness splattered across this site by the leadership!All of the above items are desperately needed to help make our planned events a bit more fun for the whole community.
I won’t beat around the bush, we are only looking to get donations worth a 100+ EC (in-game STO) as we have a great amount of non-big-ticket items in our store already, and are continuing to sell them in order to replenish stock… but the smaller items sadly don’t really cover the costs for larger prizes.
So this Donation drive, without sounding ungrateful, we are only looking for large prize donations listed above.
- To donate anything from the above list, please contact me (@GXV3) on here, in STO game or discord. as well as @Yaris8 and @insainefuture79.
- To help out with the running costs of this site, please see the main page of this site and click on the big yellow “Donate” button

Nick, Our webmaster will receive a notification and will let me know, so we can give you your thank you gifts (above) also pop me a line to let me know.. so we can recognise your SGN name if its different from your paypal.
History of Donations we receiveFor the past 12 years, Stonewall Fleet has always maintained our regular events throughout each year.
During these events, members compete for prizes big and small, from ships to phasers. These prizes came from the gracious donations of fleet members throughout the years.
On May 12th 2016, we set up the Stonewall Credit Store (, where we list all of our available prizes that members can pick from, instead of having a default prize picked for them by the event organizer. We award credits called "Stonewall Credits" (SWC for short) each time you partake in any Stonewall event, be it in-game or on our forums.
This store makes it easier for you to get what you've wanted, and it's completely free!
All it costs is for you to just.. play with your fellow SGN community during our events or keep checking back on these forums for forum-based events which will be popping up more. So it’s super easy to gain SWCs.. you just have to have fun and hang out!
If you’re a long time member, each year we lay on our biggest flagship event "Stonewall Pride," which lasts a whole weekend and is extremely popular. Last pride we had a record number of attendees and dished out a whopping 110 SWCs, as well as putting on the biggest raffle ever which gave away over 2 billion EC worth of prizes. It's a win-win for everyone!
But sadly not so for our Prize vault as we are now running very low on
our big-ticket items such as T6 ships, lockbox keys and ship upgrade modules.
For future events and prizes for members to pick from, we would love
to have the store look tempting so that people will have a hard time
choosing what to spend their SWC on. Alas, we have nearly depleted our range of ships and bigger prizes on offer.
Please don’t feel obligated to donate anything, this is a no-pressure post.
We value this community and the kindness members have shown over the 12 years
Thank you for taking time out to read this post.
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